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the pretty reckless(2012-12-15 / 


  • 姓名:the pretty reckless
  • 性别:组合
  • 别名:暂无
  • 国籍:暂无
  • 语言:英语;
  • 出生地:暂无
  • 生日:暂无
  • 星座:暂无
  • 身高:暂无
  • 体重:暂无

the pretty reckless简介:《绯闻少女》主演之一Taylor Momsen 为主唱的乐队。
泰勒·摩森(Taylor Momsen,1993年7月26日-),是一名美国女演员及模特儿,原名:泰勒·米高·摩森(Taylor Michael Momsen)。泰勒因演出由小说改编成的美国热门电视剧《绯闻女孩》中的珍妮·汉弗莱(Jenny Humphrey)而为人熟悉。
泰勒·摩森 (Taylor Momsen) 童星出道,三岁就开始了演艺生涯,那是泰勒·摩森 (Taylor Momsen) 出现在一支商业广告Shake and Bake。泰勒·摩森 (Taylor Momsen) 的妹妹斯洛娜 (Sloane) 出生在1996年,也进入了演艺圈。泰勒·摩森 (Taylor Momsen) 第一个角色是1999年客串了《先知游戏》(Prophet's Game)。泰勒·摩森 (Taylor Momsen) 引起观众的注意是因为和金·凯瑞 (Jim Carey) 合作出演了电影《圣诞怪杰》(How the Grinch Stole Christmas),在电影中泰勒·摩森 (Taylor Momsen) 扮演小女孩欣迪(Cindy) 。
泰勒·摩森 (Taylor Momsen) 在热门偶像剧《绯闻少女》(Gossip Girl) 中的小J形象,倍受瞩目,期待泰勒·摩森 (Taylor Momsen) 在新一季《绯闻少女》(Gossip Girl) 中还会有更精彩的演出。
The Pretty Reckless is a post-grunge band formed and fronted by Momsen. The band was previously touring with Momsen on vocals, John Secolo on guitar, Matt Chiarelli on bass, and Nick Carbone on drums. The band was originally to be called "The Reckless", but was changed to the The Pretty Reckless due to trademark problems. Momsen has stated in an interview with OK! Magazine that the band has signed with Interscope Records and will be releasing their debut album later this year. Earlier this year, The Pretty Reckless toured with The Veronicas. In another interview Momsen briefly discussed the sound of the band, saying it would be "not what people are going to expect" and will feature a dark and heavy sound but would have "lighter, fun stuff as well." She also revealed that she performs as the lead vocalist and guitarist and writes all of the songs.
In an interview with MTV, Momsen revealed the influences on the band include The Beatles along with many grunge bands, such as Soundgarden, Audioslave, Hole and Nirvana. She also stated that her personal influences also include Debbie Harry, Joan Jett, Cherie Currie and Courtney Love. As of August 17, 2009, the band's myspace page is streaming demos of the songs "I Zombie" and "He Loves You".
The Pretty Reckless currently have 4 studio demos (I Zombie, Blender, He Loves You, Make Me Wanna Die).
On December 30, 2009, the band released a new promo song entitled "Make Me Wanna Die." The song was uploaded for free download to fans on the Interscope Records website.
The Pretty Reckless is playing the entire 2010 Warped Tour.

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