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no doubt(2012-12-15 / 


  • 姓名:no doubt
  • 性别:组合
  • 别名:暂无
  • 国籍:美国
  • 语言:英语;
  • 出生地:美国
  • 生日:暂无
  • 星座:暂无
  • 身高:0
  • 体重:0

no doubt简介:早在1987年,No Doubt就成立了,并且他们是深受Madness影响而带有浓厚的Ska风格的乐队。早期的No Doubt是由John Spence, Gwen Stefani和她的兄弟Eric组成,那时候的Gwen才16岁。他们多数在一些酒吧/Party环境中进行表演,John 和Gwen成了双人合唱的一对。之后他们又吸收了贝司手Tony Kanal。这构成了第一代的 No Doubt,但是在心碎的故事很快发生,在1987年的冬天,John Spence自杀,他的离开并没有的动摇乐队坚持下去的决心, 年轻的Gwen承担了起乐队灵魂声音的角色。
在1991年, Interscope公司同乐队签约,他们正式开始迈向一条崭新的道路, 不过那时候的他们似乎生活在美国之外的国度一般,根本没有被90年代初的Grunge热浪所感染,依然坚持玩自己喜欢的Ska pop。这无疑是让唱片公司所头痛的。他们92年的首张同名处女作No Doubt由于不和时宜, 太过软性和Ska味,完全没有一点当时最流行的狂暴特征, 结果在市场上反应平淡,于是Interscope干脆拒绝了他们继续发表唱片的权利, 也拒绝支持乐队进行巡回演出的计划。这样No Doubt再次成了无助的孤儿似的。但是值得敬佩的是,No Doubt并没有消沉下去, 他们义无返顾的选择了自主的道路,在93到94年的两年间, No Doubt自己出钱制作录音,并且将这些作品集结在一起成为一张大碟:The Beacon Street Collection, 这张唱片也是在他们自己成立的厂牌Sea Creature Records下发行的, 在他们被公司雪藏期间,乐队也在暗中反省自己明显的跟上当时的New Wave回归潮流, Punk意味重了很多, 他们这一选择成了日后成功路线的基础,同时也在乐评界获得了注目。
在1995年的10月, 乐队发表了Tragic Kingdom。这几乎是一种火药引爆的效应, 他们从一直的默默无闻迅速冲上了胜利的顶端,这张唱片一路过关斩将, 在那年的唱片市场上横冲直闯,销量直线上升,最后突破了1500万张的惊人数字。
沉寂了五年以后 No Doubt 终于在今年推出了他们的第五张大碟-《Return of Saturn》,并且反响很不错。
可以说,No Doubts并不会给我们上什么深刻道理,他们的魅力就在于他们的流行, 他们也很会很自然的表达自己,没有什么太多的做作, 这次的上路,毫不迟疑,我知道,这将会是一次再次成功之旅。
With the return of the punks in the mid-'90s came a resurgence of their slightly more commercial rivals, new wave bands. No Doubt found a niche as a new wave/ska band, on the strength of vocalist Gwen Stefani's persona — alternately an embrace of little-girl-lost innocence and riot grrrl feminism — exemplified on the band's breakout single, "Just a Girl."
Formed in early 1987 as a ska band inspired by Madness, the lineup of No Doubt initially comprised John Spence, Gwen Stefani, and her brother Eric. While playing the party-band circuit around Anaheim, the trio picked up bassist Tony Kanal, born in India but raised in Great Britain and the U.S. Hardened by the suicide of Spence in December 1987, No Doubt nevertheless continued; Gwen became the lone vocalist and the group added guitarist Tom Dumont and drummer Adrian Young.
No Doubt's live act began to attract regional interest, and Interscope Records signed them in 1991. The band's debut a year later, an odd fusion of '80s pop and ska, sank without a trace in the wake of the grunge movement. As a result, Interscope refused to support No Doubt's tour or further recordings. The band responded by recording on their own during 1993-1994; the result was the self-released Beacon Street Collection, much rawer and more punk-inspired than the debut. Eric Stefani left just after its release, later working as an animator for The Simpsons.
By late 1994, Interscope allowed recordings to resume, and Tragic Kingdom was released in October 1995. The album served as a document of the breakup of Gwen Stefani and Kanal, whose relationship had lasted seven years. Thanks to constant touring and the appearance of "Just a Girl" and "Spiderwebs" on MTV's Buzz Bin, the album hit the Top Ten in 1996. Stefani, who has made no secret of her pop ambitions, became a centerpiece of attention as an alternative to the crop of tough girls prevalent on the charts. By the end of the year, Tragic Kingdom hit number one on the album charts, almost a year after its first release; the record's third single, the ballad "Don't Speak," was the band's biggest hit to date.
No Doubt's much-anticipated follow-up, The Return of Saturn, was released in the spring of 2000, and "Simple Kind of Life" and "Ex-Girlfriend" were both critically successful at the mainstream and college levels. A year later, Stefani also hooked up with rap chanteuse Eve for the single "Let Me Blow Your Mind" (it went on to earn a Grammy for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration in 2002); however, Stefani also joined her band for the release of their fifth album. The ska revival and new wave sounds of Rock Steady were issued hot on the heels of debut single "Hey Baby" in December 2001.

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