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dana glover(2012-12-14 / 


  • 姓名:dana glover
  • 性别:女
  • 别名:暂无
  • 国籍:美国
  • 语言:英语;
  • 出生地:暂无
  • 生日:暂无
  • 星座:暂无
  • 身高:暂无
  • 体重:暂无

dana glover简介:Dana Glover就像是一个在自己的想象中寻找安慰的精灵,当她还在北卡罗来那时,她的家庭就搬去过三个不同的郊区,是教堂使得他们一家才最终生了根,Glover 部分灵感来自于宗教音乐。她尝试过上钢琴课,但是自娱自乐更让她感到满足。她同时学习过萨克斯管。八年级的时候,Glover 在学校的才艺秀中演唱了"St. Elmo's Fire",从那时起,她明白了音乐会是她的追求。Glover16岁时, 她离开美丽的南方去了纽约做模特。薪水不错,她在文化界也有所涉足,但还是在继续写音乐. 当模特使Glover更清楚得认识这个世界,并迫使她很快成熟起来,她写歌的水平有了长足的进步。在纽约呆两年对Glover来说已经足够,18岁时她与家人搬到纳什威尔,尝试营造自己的音乐空间,但是那里并不是合适她的地方。她和她的兄弟最终还是离开去了洛山矶,这是一次大胆的尝试,Glover的梦想有可能变为现实。Glover为了得到梦工厂的赏识,近乎疯狂地竭尽所能。她神经脆弱近乎崩溃,但对她的工作却很有利。梦工厂的会员,前乐队的音乐人,作曲者Robbie Robertson 签了Glover。在Shrek 和The Wedding Planner中,她的声音卓尔不群。2002年秋,Dana Glover 出了她第一张专辑Testimony。她有一副挺奇特的嗓音,个人爵士听的不多所以斗胆将她比作适合唱爵士的那种嗓音,浑厚却略带支离,偶尔会产生声嘶力竭的幻觉。专辑风格也挺另类,绝对是自创的一流派。Singer/songwriter Dana Glover is a kindred spirit who finds solace in her own imagination. While growing up in North Carolina, Glover spent a lot of time moving around. By the time she was a teenager, her family had moved to three different suburbs in North Carolina. Attending church, however, kept Glover and her family grounded. Glover absorbed the southern appeal of gospel music, eventually seeking out the sounds of The Winans and The Imperials. She tried piano lessons, but learning music on her own time and ear was much more satisfying. She picked up the saxophone and knew music was her calling. In the eighth grade, Glover performed "St. Elmo's Fire." in a school talent show. From there, Glover was determined to make music for a living. When Glover was 16, she left her beautiful South for the bustling streets of New York City for a career in modeling. The money was good, and she got her feet wet in a cultural mecca, but she continued writing songs. Modeling gave Glover the opportunity to see the world and that forced her to grow up fast. - but this only impacted her songwriting for the better. Two years in New York was enough for Glover, however; she and her family reconnected in Nashville when she was 18. She attempted to find her musical niche, but Nashville wasn't exactly her kind of place. She and her brother eventually left for Los Angeles. It was a bold move, for Glover's dreams would become reality. Glover frantically got everything together for an audition with DreamWorks. She was a nervous wreck, but her nerves worked in her favor. Ex-Band musician, songwriter and DreamWorks affiliate Robbie Robertson signed Glover. Her voice went on to be featured on soundtracks for Shrek and The Wedding Planner. In fall 2002, Dana Glover made her proper debut with Testimony.

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