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chrisette michele(2012-12-14 / 


  • 姓名:chrisette michele
  • 性别:女
  • 别名:暂无
  • 国籍:暂无
  • 语言:暂无
  • 出生地:暂无
  • 生日:暂无
  • 星座:暂无
  • 身高:暂无
  • 体重:暂无

chrisette michele简介:Chrisette Michele-- Def Jam 旗下一位专业的美国R&B歌手。她其实早在很多脍炙人口的hiphop专辑里崭露头角,比如Jay-Z的Kingdom Come专辑第二主打单曲"Lost One",在Nas的Hip Hop Is Dead专辑里三次献声,以及她的第二主打单曲"Can't Forget About You",Kanye的West-produced 专辑里的"Still Dreaming"和压轴曲目"Hope".她的单曲"Your Joy"最近放到iTunes上作为本周打榜单曲。Nas的妈妈 和Michele的妈妈都是在Queensbridge居民区长大,从小耳濡目染的一些事所产生的这些潜移默化的影响和童年的记忆都给了她创作的灵感,这些都在她的即将发行的首张专辑中体现的淋漓尽致。就像Billie Holiday 和Ella Fitzgerald一样,Michele的这种爵士风格有很浓的怀旧气息。作为一个教会执事的女儿,Michele在高中和大学时期都是担任教会合唱团的领唱。她创作的歌曲都有很浓的基督教义的味道,而且还乐此不疲。
是24岁的她精心打造的融合了多元化曲风的,极具艺术风格的首张专辑,可谓是她对音乐尝试的第一次探险。“我知道在音乐世界里我只是一个新人,但是我已经为这一刻做足了准备功夫。”来自美国本土长岛的女孩如是说。在她没有签订唱片合同之前,Michele曾经和很多歌手比如Kem, India.Arie,Angie Stone, and Lionel Richie完美合作过他们专辑的一些歌曲。“India曾经在纽约的Village Underground看到过我唱歌。她在第一晚便走向后台和善的邀请我参加她的一个公开演出。”她说。Michele在录音室很认真的写歌并制作demo,她在设法找到那些素材并把他们做成一张真实的唱片。“我在12岁的时候就尝试写歌,我知道我需要特色音乐元素融合让自己与其他歌手不一样,也由此获得成功。”在已经是一名古典乐的爱好者之后,Michele在自己17岁的时候才真正接触Jazz这个音乐流派。她回忆道,“当我还是一个高中生的时候,老师介绍了一位叫做Astrud Gilberto的jazz歌手给我。从此以后我的生活中就只有jazz乐了。”随着这张专辑的发布,Chrisette Michele将和所有朋友分享这份音乐梦想
In a very short span of time, R&B singer/songwriter Chrisette Michele shot from small-time performer up to one of Def Jam's most promising talents, purely based on her unique instrument -- a gorgeous and effortlessly versatile singing voice colored with Billie Holiday-esque inflections of vocal pop and jazz. The jazz-influenced vocalist, born Chrisette Michele Payne in 1982, developed her pipes through singing gospel, first performing for a congregation at age four. God and music were clearly instrumental in her upbringing: her father, who also played the organ, was a deacon, and her mother was the church's choir director. Growing up in Patchogue, NY, a small town on Long Island, the young singer's parents always kept her busy with tap dancing, piano lessons, choir rehearsals, and the like. But at age 17, Michele had an epiphany. After a teacher gave her a CD containing the bossa nova standard "The Girl from Ipanema," she was immediately won over to jazz by Brazilian jazz singer Astrud Gilberto's voice. She spent endless hours isolated in a room with a piano learning jazz standards as they were sung by Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, and other greats. She wound up studying vocal and jazz performance at Five Townes College on Long Island.When she began doing gigs at local venues, it was mainly for small audiences at open mics or for auditions. However, shortly thereafter neo-soul singer India.Arie, who spotted her at Manhattan's Village Underground club, enlisted Michele to be her opening act, as did Kem and Angie Stone. And at that same club, she was also discovered by representatives of Def Jam, who were enamored with her vocal abilities and had her signed to the label by 2006. At the end of the year, Def Jam brought her out in full force, allowing her to write and sing the hooks for Jay-Z's "Lost Ones" and Nas' Nat King Cole-inspired "Can't Forget About You." Her album debut, I Am, followed in summer 2007. Adding to the album's influences of gospel, adult alternative pop, and hip-hop, she wrote all the songs herself and worked closely with artists/producers Babyface, Salaam Remi, John Legend, and will.i.am.

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