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歌手:Rush  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2012-6-22  点击次数:  打印本页

andybfc 编辑歌词
[al:Clockwork Angels]
匹配时间为: 05 分 39 秒 的歌曲
[00:00.00]Rush - Caravan
[00:54.62]In a world lit only by fire
[00:58.08]Long train of flares under piercing stars
[01:03.58]I stand watching the steamliners roll by
[01:15.37]The caravan thunders onward
[01:19.85]To the distant dream of the city
[01:23.45]The caravan carries me onward
[01:28.20]On my way at last
[01:29.29]On my way at last
[01:43.11]I can't stop thinking big x4
[02:00.92]On a road lit only by fire
[02:04.53]Going where I want, instead of where I should
[02:09.96]I peer out at the passing shadows
[02:15.85]Carried through the night into the city
[02:19.47]Where a young man has a chance of making good
[02:25.25]A chance to break from the past
[02:33.59]The caravan thunders onward
[02:37.42]Stars winking through the canvas hood
[02:41.11]The caravan thunders onward
[02:45.18]On my way at last
[02:46.88]On my way at last
[02:53.34]I can't stop thinking big x6
[03:15.95]In a world where I feel so small
[03:19.04]I can't stop thinking big
[04:48.15]I can't stop thinking big x6
[05:10.96]In a world where I feel so small
[05:14.26]I can't stop thinking big
[05:26.93]LRC制作:活在當下 QQ:6313827

关键字: Caravan, Rush, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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  • 查看Rush其他歌曲 >>>
    The Garden
    Wish Them Well
    Headlong Flight
    The Wreckers
    Seven Cities Of Gold
    The Anarchist
    Clockwork Angels
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