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An Cat Dubh
歌手:U2  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2012-3-24  点击次数:  打印本页

[ti:An Cat Dubh]
[00:00]U2 - An Cat Dubh
[00:22.81]Say goodnight
[00:26.81]She waits for me to
[00:31.77]Put out the light
[00:35.66]Lay there still
[00:39.31]She waits to break my will
[01:04.23]Yes, if I know the truth about you...
[01:26.41]And in the daylight
[01:30.09]A blackbird makes a violent sight
[01:38.27]And when she is done
[01:42.52]She sleeps beside the wild
[02:06.98]Yes, If I know the truth about you...
[03:25.46]Yes, If I know the truth about you...
歌谱收藏站 http://Pu.OneGreen.Net提供


U2 - An Cat Dubh

Say goodnight
She waits for me to
Put out the light
Lay there still
She waits to break my will

Yes, if I know the truth about you...

And in the daylight
A blackbird makes a violent sight
And when she is done
She sleeps beside the wild

Yes, If I know the truth about you...

Yes, If I know the truth about you...

歌谱收藏站 http://Pu.OneGreen.Net提供

关键字: An Cat Dubh, U2, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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