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歌手:sophie zelmani  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2012-3-24  点击次数:  打印本页

[ar:sophie zelmani]
[al:love affair]
[00:02.24]Sophie Zelmani Lyrics
[00:03.77]Written by: Sophie Zelmani
[00:24.32]Fade you star
[00:27.15]Fade from my heaven
[00:33.00]Fade for the promise
[00:36.60]of forgetting
[00:46.29]If I stared and you'd
[00:49.55]be shining through
[00:56.49]I would probably still see you
[01:23.14]Farewell my guest
[01:26.31]you were the only one
[01:32.44]who saw the door
[01:37.30]might be open
[01:45.58]If I only could have
[01:49.50]told you then
[01:56.38]that the lock just was broken
[02:06.61]There was no place,
[02:09.11]there was no time
[02:17.17]There was no place,
[02:20.28]there was no time


Sophie Zelmani Lyrics

Written by: Sophie Zelmani

Fade you star
Fade from my heaven
Fade for the promise
of forgetting
If I stared and you'd
be shining through
I would probably still see you

Farewell my guest
you were the only one
who saw the door
might be open
If I only could have
told you then
that the lock just was broken

There was no place,
there was no time
There was no place,
there was no time


关键字: fade, sophie zelmani, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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